Monday, January 5, 2015

Wolf Moon

Wolf moon,
Peering through the trees,
Stalking my senses,
Pulling at my belly
And blurring my eyesight,
As I fumble through the park
Like drunken prey.

Low to the horizon
But lazy in her approach,
She knows she has me.
I am wounded,
She can smell my blood,
My blended insides,
My seesaw heart.

On the night I fell in love with you
The moon was two days old.
A sliver, a crescent,
Tucked into her celestial cradle
Under a blanket of late autumn clouds.
I thought I was safe
For she was young and toothless.

You were leaning against the wall
When I got off the train.
We walked through the mist
Over the wet leaves,
The smell of embers,
And for twenty minutes
We were immortal.

Wolf moon.
She pulls me to her now,
Into her solitude.
On this clear night,
Her teeth at my throat,
She knows she has me,
For she is the one I feed.

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